Recently Gary Cao Ge had released his 4th album on 19th June '09. And UN-surprisingly in each of the released albums, there's a similarity in it. Sort of his trademark in the title of his songs, which is "SUPER". 1st album,
Superwoman in Ge Ge Blue. Follow by the second album entitled,
Superman. Then we got the
Super Sunshine album. And now, we have
4th album, SupermarketDownload can be found in these links:
1.'ve listened to the songs and its quite interesting. The first song 寂寞先生
Ji Mo Xian Sheng had already capture my attention. Though i dont quite understand, but i like the vocal strength of the song. Its requires a lot of talent to sing like that gracefully. By the way, the MTV of that song is rather dull. Somehow i end up.. *sweat*.. after watching it. Im now listening to Supermarket, looking forward for the MTV.
So just what the 5th album would be? Could it be...

SUPER CAR? Like Audi R8?
vroom vroom...But i cant seem to picture him driving any high cost mobile

Or SUPER COMET? On planet X collide with Earth in 2012?

Our Earth at its best at Bora Bora Island!

A song about himself?

Definitely higher probability, with Megan Fox in it. ^^
3 comments: guess will be:
where is super girlfriend? =_=
Phoenie: Superhero is more likely. Hahaa, we'll see in his 5th album.
Shu: Its coming...
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